What made me invent this absolutely easy to make yet delicious and oh so nutritious wrap idea is that my hubby goes to office everyday and I can easily run out of ideas for packed healthy lunch.

I think all of us mom’s/wives suffer from this every single day whether it is to pack lunch for your spouse or your children for school. So this idea might scare some men, like it did for my hubby!! We women LOVE avocado on everything with everything. While men don’t really get it, but i think that we can work it out!

So here’s what i did

Drain a can of chickpeas
Mash it up with a fork or however you like
Shred some carrots (i used half a carrot but it depends on the quantity you’re making). You could use all kind of add-ons like corn, peppers, tomato etc. Just don’t make it too wet.
Add an avocado and mash it up as well.
I don’t throw away the avocado pit, I know that avocado plants can be grown from the pit using this method.
For this method, you very carefully peel the ‘skin’ off the pit, gently pierce 3-4 toothpicks and submerge it into water (half of the pit needs to be in contact with water) It does take time to root .. I will record the process on this website.
Back to our filling, after you mix all the ingredients thoroughly squeeze in a dash of fresh lemon juice. (This will prevent the avocado from browning)
Add in salt and some of your favorite spices (i added mint and paprika).
I made my wrap filling at night and kept it covered in the fridge. On the morning of making the wraps add a dash of yogurt and mix well.
On the next day, I assembled the wrap, placing lettuce, filling, some thinly sliced cucumbers. You could play with flavors here and add anything from sour cream to onions.
I made 5 wraps and my daughter shared it with me for breakfast. She’s 2 and she loved it!

I think making this is a win-win as it yields 5 big wraps, which will be enough for 1 adult + 1 child.

You could always add in your favorite ingredients, play around with flavors and sauces. You should give this recipe a chance in your kitchen and you won’t regret it!

Share your wrap ideas in the comments below, or tag us on instagram @themamatalk

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Levantine Dessert (Tamrieh)

Hello Mama’s!

Today I will be sharing with you one of the very special Levantine sweet which is called “Tamrieh”.

It is made out of a dough that has been rested in oil for 4 hours and semolina ! The original recipe calls for mastic powder since I didn’t have any on hand I didn’t use it. But you should definitely use it in your recipe.

Here is a step by step recipe

Add in the flour, salt and water into a deep bowl.
knead until your dough is smooth and not sticky
divide the dough into 3 balls (each ball will yield 4 pieces of tamrieh)
pour oil onto the dough and cover the dough in oil
into a pot pour water, sugar and mix till sugar is dissolved
add in the semolina
cook everything together until the mixture represents a porridge, add in mastic or rose water at this stage if using
pour the mixture out onto a dish and cover it once cooled
after 4 hours, take out one piece of dough
stretch out the dough with your fingers until very thin
carefully cut the dough into 4 piece
divide the semolina into 12 pieces
put out one piece of semolina mixture onto the dough and fold
fry the tamrieh in hot oil and place on a paper towel.
sprinkle powdered sugar on top and serve warm!

Levantine Dessert (Tamrieh)

  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • pinch salt
  • 3/4 cup warm water
  • oil (for cover the dough + frying)
  • 3/4 cup semolina
  • 2 cups water
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  1. mix together flour, salt and water to form a soft dough

  2. divide the dough into 3 balls and cover well in oil. keep aside for 4 hour (room temp)

  3. prepare the semolina filling by mixing in a pot water, sugar and semolina. 

    add in flavorings at this stage. (rose water, mastic)

  4. roll out one piece of dough very thinly and divide into 4 parts.

  5. place a piece of semolina onto the center and fold, repeat for all dough.

  6. fry them in hot oil.

    serve with powdered sugar on top.

Russian Yeast Pancakes (oladyi)

Hello lovelies! Today I’ll be sharing with you one of my favorite breakfast recipes which are Russian fluffy and soft yeast pancakes.

But first, I’ll tell you a little more about these pancakes. Oladyi are usually served with sour cream as well as with sweet toppings such as jam, honey etc. Savoury versions may be served with caviar, similarly to crepes (blini).

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